Biomechanical Therapy involves any sort of treatment or therapy to alter the alignment and function of the feet and body to enable improved mechanical function. This may include stretches and strengthening, gait retraining, paddings, strapping, bracing, orthotics or anything else that causes a change in the mechanics of the foot and leg.
An orthosis is any external device to assist the function of the body. As glasses are to eyes, orthoses are to feet. Orthoses address biomechanical misalignment and problems associated with poor function. A biomechanical assessment is initially performed to determine the function of your feet and legs, the movement at the joints and flexibility/strength of the soft tissues. This will determine whether you actually need an orthosis and what benefits they may provide.
Correct fitting and supportive footwear and biomechanically custom-made orthoses may minimise damaging forces throughout the feet. In supporting your feet, an orthosis may also help to support your legs, knees, hips and lower back when walking and standing, thus providing valuable changes to the entire musculoskeletal system. Orthoses may improve function, weight distribution and alignment or posture, and pain associated with misalignment.

Foot Arch Pain
Your feet arches can change over time from a flexible flat foot as an infant to an arched foot as a child and a full sized foot by late teenage years. During pregnancy the feet may also change and the foot arches may lower and return to normal after the birth. You may have foot arch pain if the foot is not properly aligned and the bones, joints and muscles are put under stress.
Flat feet may be “rolling in” at the ankles and heel, or where the arches appear to be low or collapsing. High arched feet generally have a lower ability to absorb shock in walking.
People with flat/flatter feet may still have an arch but the arch may not be visible due to the function of the foot and changes when weight bearing. When in the correct position, the arch is usually visible.
We can provide custom orthoses designed to support your feet whatever their position and function, and this may help to support alignment and function of your knees, legs and back.

Why Choose Sanders Podiatry? Linden Park, Stirling or Mount Barker Clinics
Sanders Podiatry is dedicated to the complete care of your feet, making you comfortable, secure and stable on your feet throughout your life. We have a family friendly clinic and address foot concerns at any age and for any problem. We are a client-centred clinic with individualised treatment plans to treat your unique condition.
Our gentle and practical approach to your foot care is with your long term wellbeing in mind, we are here to help you as well as educate and inform you about your feet and their longevity. We are widely connected to organisations and associations setting standards for excellent foot care around Australia, namely:
• The Australian Podiatry Council
• The Australian Podiatry Association
• Sports Medicine Australia
• The Australasian Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine
• Physitrack certified exercise prescription
• Arthritis Aware
Call us to book and appointment:
Sanders Podiatry in Linden Park – 08 8379 1456
Sanders Podiatry in Stirling – 08 8339 3344
Sanders Podiatry in Mount Barker – 08 8370 1590