Your feet take an average of 6000 steps per day, bearing all the weight of your body. As one of the most complex parts of the human anatomy, the 26 bones, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments work hard for you as you walk, run or stand for long periods of time.
We’re here to help for a variety of foot conditions at our podiatry clinics, but caring for your feet at home will prevent many problems from arising.
Here are five self-care habits at home for long term healthy feet.
1. Use a pumice stone or foot file
Keep a pumice stone or foot file in the shower and wait a few minutes to soften the underneath of your feet (toward the end of your shower). Then gently scrub your heels and edges of the feet to smooth out rough skin or remove dead skin.
You’ll prevent cracked heels which can lead to infections, and your feet will look much better in sandals too.
If you have very rough or thickened skin on your heels, then we suggest soaking in warm water for about fifteen minutes before scrubbing with a pumice stone.
2. Moisturise your feet
After your bath or shower is an ideal time to give your feet some extra loving care with a massage. Use a moisturiser such as shea butter or cocoa butter and massage into your soles, each toe and nail bed as well as your heels.
Finish with drying properly between your toes as any dampness can lead to fungus.
3. Keep fungus away
Damp and dark areas in your feet such as between your toes are the ideal environments for fungus to thrive. The simplest way to avoid fungus is to wipe thoroughly between your toes after every bath and shower, as well as keep your feet dry during the day. Changing your socks and hosiery daily will reduce the spread of fungus too.
If you do happen to find any fungus on your feet or toenails, the local chemist will have a range of anti-fungal creams which are effective for treatment. If you have recurring issues, please pop into the clinic and let us have a look.
Related article: Athlete’s Foot: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
4. Trim toenails regularly
Trimming your toenails regularly will prevent ingrowns and possible infections. It will also prevent dirt from accumulating under your toes nails which can also lead to infections.
It’s important not to cut your toenails too short because toenails that are too short or too curved can become ingrown. The ideal length is 1-2 mm of the whites of your nails showing. Cut straight across and file very slightly at the edges to round them so that they don’t snag anything.
Related article: Ingrown Toenails: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
5. Check daily for any foot conditions
Prevention is better than cure as the saying goes, and this is very true for your feet. Check your feet daily for corns, calluses, warts and especially sneaky fungus! These small irritations can become bigger problems if they aren’t attended to promptly.
Related article: Corns and Calluses: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
And last but not least, remember to wear comfortable shoes that give your feet breathing space and room to move.
Related article – Ouch! 5 Consequences Of Wearing Incorrectly Fitting Shoes
For some extra care, pop in to see one of our friendly podiatrists
If you have any recurring problems, heel pain or forefoot pain, please give us a call at the clinic and let one of our professional and family-friendly podiatrists take a look. We work with all ages, and we’ll help your feet get back to good health with attentive care and tips for self-care at home.
Call us to make an appointment with one of our experienced podiatrists.
Sander Podiatry Adelaide – 08 8379 1456 (Greenhill Podiatry)