We’ve all heard it before. The risks of not getting up and about mean we’ll lose what we don’t use! It helps to be reminded from time to time. A sedentary lifestyle has a significant impact on your overall wellbeing with your feet and ankles carrying a large part of the burden.
Office workers who sit for hours every day or elderly people have a higher risk of developing health problems due to inactivity. An active lifestyle doesn’t mean jogging for five kms or going to the gym five times a week. Even 15 minutes of walking every day has shown to maintain muscle mass, improve heart health, improve mental wellbeing and increase bone density.
So what are the risks of sitting for too long?
Poor circulation
When you’re sitting for long periods of time your circulation is slowed. This prevents blood from being able to deliver fresh oxygen and nutrients to your feet which may cause peripheral neuropathy. This condition happens when the peripheral nerves are damaged, creating a numbing, tingling or burning sensation in your feet.
Neuropathy needs treatment as soon as possible so that the damage doesn’t spread to more nerves. Visit our podiatry clinic for our help. We’ll assess the condition of your feet and recommend a treatment plan.
A sedentary lifestyle can cause swelling in the feet and ankles. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing surplus fluid from our bodies, but inactivity makes it harder for the lymphatic system to do its work and this added stress causes excess fluid to remain in the feet and ankles. This causes discomfort, as well as putting unnecessary strain on your kidneys which are responsible for the elimination of fluid returned by the lymphatic system.
The simplest relief is to wear compression socks and the remedy is to have a regular exercise program such as walking.
Muscle deterioration and pain
As with all of our muscles, if you don’t use them, you lose muscle capacity. The muscles of your feet, ankles and lower legs become weaker with inactivity, causing muscular tension, stiffness and aches. This can become a difficult cycle to break: inactivity leads to pain, which lead to more inactivity.
Good quality walking shoes and a walking program is the best remedy!
Plantar Fasciitis
Although remaining sedentary does not cause Plantar Fasciitis, the condition can be made worse because of long periods of sitting, causing more trauma to an inactive foot.
Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation due to tearing or trauma of the band of tissue underneath the arch of the foot, connecting the forefoot to the heel. It feels like a stabbing pain which is worse after a long period of inactivity. This further discourages standing up and walking around but this is definitely not the remedy.
Our podiatry team treat Plantar Fasciitis regularly and we are here to help you with this condition. Make an appointment with our podiatry clinic in Adelaide Stirling or Mount Barker to have your feet treated.
Blood Clots
If you’re sitting at a desk for several hours a day, you increase your incidence of developing poor circulation which can lead to blood clots in your feet, ankles and lower legs. This is called deep vein thrombosis and is dangerous if the clot makes its way to your heart, brain or lungs or other organs in the body.
Make an appointment with our podiatrists for treatment of poor circulation and to take preventive measures to minimise the risk of clots.
We’ll help you with circulation problems, muscle aches and pains
People who use a computer all day are sitting for many hours. Elderly people who have aches may find it uncomfortable to get out and about. If you’re experiencing aches, numbness or tingling in your feet or ankles, phone us and make an appointment. Our gentle and highly qualified podiatry team will offer advice and treatment, as well as at-home remedies and exercise plans to look after your feet for the long term.