As we age, our feet undergo natural changes that can impact mobility and your overall wellbeing. By understanding these changes, you can be a little more proactive with your foot care so that you can maintain strong, flexible and healthy feet, and continue enjoying an active lifestyle. Get ready to find out more about all […]
Ageing feet
5 Ways the Feet Affect the Knees
Your feet are the foundation of the body, supporting the body to move about freely each day. Their structure and alignment impact the health of other joints, including your knees. Therefore problems in the feet can cause biomechanical changes that lead to knee pain in the following ways. 1. Foot alignment affects the knee position […]
How to keep your feet strong and flexible as you age
Looking after your feet as you get older is vitally important to maintain good health and mobility, to remain living in the comfort of your own home with a good quality of life. As podiatrists we know that good health starts from the feet up. Our ageing population means many of us will live for […]
How to ease foot cramps at night
A muscle cramp is a sudden, continuous, and involuntary muscle spasm that can be quite painful. They often occur in the calves and legs but some of our clients complain of having foot cramps at night. Cramps will go away on their own and in most cases are harmless, unless they’re related to an underlying […]
5 ways menopause can affect your feet and what you can do at home
We see many women at our podiatry clinics every day in Linden Park, Stirling and Mt Barker to help them through perimenopause and menopause, and the impact this has on their feet. During menopause one of the most significant changes is the decrease in production of progesterone and oestrogen which are the hormones that regulate […]
Poor circulation: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
The body’s circulatory system is responsible for carrying blood, oxygen and nutrients to the cells, and for removing waste products and toxins. Our circulatory system has been intelligently created to travel in one direction to ensure that cells are properly nourished, and everything unwanted and no longer needed is eliminated. If this process is interrupted […]
Healthy feet, healthy heart – how they’re related
The heart is a powerful organ pumping on average 7000 litres of blood through our bodies each day. If the heart’s pumping ability weakens, either through ageing or another health condition, the feet will feel it first. The heart must push the blood down to the feet, which are furthest away from the heart, and […]
High risk foot conditions – how to prevent further complications
If you have a “high risk foot” condition, then a little podiatry care can go a long way to ensuring your feet stay healthy for life. Unfortunately, high risk foot conditions can lead to amputations, and many of these can be avoided. Research has shown that at least half of the amputations that occur in […]
Arthritis in the Big Toe: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment (Hallux Rigidus)
If you’re feeling stiffness in your big toe, you may have Hallux Limitus or Hallux Rigidus. Hallux Limitus is stiffness in the big toe which we described in our article here. As the condition progresses, bone spurs and arthritis can develop in the toe and cause it to become rigid and inflamed, with very limited […]
Is your big toe stiff and sore? Causes, symptoms and treatment (Hallux Limitus)
If your big toe is stiff and sore, and you have trouble bending it, you may have Hallux Limitus. The hallux is the big toe joint, where the toe connects to the foot. This condition can lead to an increasingly painful big toe, especially when squatting, running and walking. What causes Hallux Limitus? Hallux Limitus […]