The ankle has three main ligaments which connect the foot with the lower leg and their role is to keep your ankle stable by preventing too much movement. However, when these ligaments are overstretched or torn due to a sudden movement, the ligaments and surrounding tissues become inflamed and you have a sprained ankle. Ankle […]
Foot Health
High Arches: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
High arches are the opposite of flat feet, which tend to roll inwards or pronate. Feet with high arches don’t pronate or roll inwards at all but maintain a high inside curve. This can cause discomfort or even pain for some people. There could be underlying causes for having high arches such as neuromuscular problems, […]
Why quality socks help your feet stay healthy
Are socks really that important for good foot health? If you’re wearing closed shoes for long hours, or if you have circulation concerns, the answer is a definite yes! The foot is a highly sophisticated and complex structure with 26 bones, 33 joints, more than 250,000 sweat glands which release about a cup of sweat […]
Flat Feet: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
The arch in your foot is the upward curve from the heel to the ball of the foot. Feet that have flat arches or “flat feet” aren’t actually flat. What’s actually happening is that they’re rolling inwards at the ankles and heels, which gives them the appearance of being flat. This rolling in motion is […]
Orthoses – what they do and why you may need them
As glasses are to eyes, orthoses are to feet. An orthosis (also called an orthotic) is a shoe or heel insert used to correct various foot conditions causing pain in the foot itself, ankles, legs and hips. Orthoses (plural) address biomechanical misalignment and problems associated with the function of the feet. They are often recommended […]
Shin Splints: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Shin splints, also called medial tibial stress syndrome, occur due to excessive force on the muscles, joints, tendons and bones of the lower leg. If you have a shin splint, you’ll feel pain anywhere along the shin, from the knee to the ankle. Shin splints are a common injury and not surprising they happen. When […]
Stress Fractures: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Stress fractures are most common in the foot or ankle. Unlike normal bone fractures, stress fractures are still a break in the bone, but the bone doesn’t move or become displaced. The most common bones of the ankle and foot that are affected by stress fractures are: The metatarsals which connect the toes to the […]
7 ways to avoid frailty and live well into your older years
What defines frailty? Frailty is not an inevitable part of ageing as it is often thought. In fact, through screening tests available today, symptoms of frailty can be detected, and any further deterioration can be prevented through lifestyle changes. In a study led by Benetas and the Australian Government, frailty, including pre-frailty, is viewed as […]
Plantar Warts: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Plantar warts grow on the soles of the feet and appear as small hardened lesions which are flattened out. They are caused by a virus called HPV – human papillomavirus – which enters the blood stream through small cuts in the soles of the feet. Plantar warts are not a serious health concern and are […]
What is GAIT analysis and how does it help?
Your gait is the way you move when you walk or run. When we conduct a Gait Analysis, we use a scientifically developed method to analyse your walking or running style by observing the way you move and the impact of this movement on your feet, hips, lower back and limbs. This analysis provides us […]