The Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) is committed to the advancement of podiatry to improve foot health in the community. The positive impact of podiatric care changes the lives of one in five Australians who suffer from foot pain. Each year, Podiatry Week happens in October to raise awareness in the community about the diverse ways […]
Industry News
Foot Health Week 2023: “Podiatry, more than you think.”
Foot Health week is organised by the Australian Podiatry Association (APODA) each year in October to bring awareness to the importance of looking after our feet. This year in 2023 the theme is “Podiatry – more than you think”. In the spirit of this theme, this month we’ve listed our most popular educational articles about […]
Foot Health Week 2022 – A visit to the podiatrist could save your life!
This year Foot Health week focuses on how your feet can give you early indications of other more serious health conditions. At Sanders Podiatry, we have always treated the feet as the foundation of the body. Good health starts from the ground up. Your feet can tell you a lot about underlying health concerns before […]
Foot Health Week 2021: “Love your feet and… they’ll love you back!”
Foot Health Week is an annual campaign run by Foot Health Australia to raise awareness about how important your feet are to your overall wellbeing. This year the theme is “Love your feet and… they’ll love you back!” When your feet are heathy, they can support your body which increases your sense of wellbeing. “The […]
COVID-19 Statement and our approach at Sanders Podiatry
Coronavirus/COVID-19 is concerning for all of us. At Sanders Podiatry, are committed to keeping our clients and team safe. Podiatry currently remains an essential service due to the potential for high risk complications with diabetes, wound management and maintaining mobility and comfort. About Covid-19 None of us has been in this unique situation before and the unknown can be […]
Foot Health Week October 14-20, 2019 because good feet = wellbeing
The Australian Podiatry Association runs Foot Health Week which is an annual campaign promoting foot health awareness. Sanders Podiatry Adelaide is a member of the Australian Podiatry Association and we proudly support and promote Foot Health Week in our clinics across Adelaide. Why promote foot health? People will experience pain in their ankles, knees, legs and […]